A couple of weeks ago we started our "Dollars & Sense" unit in OCR. The first story is a nonfiction, 4 page one - full of good information to get kids thinking of what goes into starting a business. This year we have been challenged to take the information and adding even more real life connections, so I picked up this project from The Science Penguin.
She has a bunch of different pages in it, I choose 4 of them that I wanted my class to focus on.
They started out completing the brainstorm pages to design their own store - type of business, their products, and then answering some questions about their store. It was almost identical to the same questions posed in our textbook.
After they were through with those pages, they went on to the designing part. They decorated the outside of their store, and then designed the inside layout. I wanted them to focus on making sure they thought of their products.
The above are a couple of the covers students created. We took a piece of 12x18 blue construction paper, folded it in half, then glued the Store front onto the front. Inside the blue construction paper, we glued the layout onto the top, and they stapled in the 2 page brainstorm pages to the bottom.
They LOVED this project, and I loved the connection it made to our story. Definitely would recommend it to anyone that has a business/store unit, or just a fun activity to tackle on one of those "special" days.

Linking up with Holly for her Tried it Tuesday!
Thank you for the suggestion. This might tie in nicely to what I'm doing with decimals, writing checks and budgeting. I'm going to go check it out right now!
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'
Wow!! This is such an authentic project for your students, Emily! Thanks for sharing!
Fourth Grade Flipper