After the 4th of July, I always start getting excited about the next school year. Not that I'm ready to go back, but I start tackling some classroom prep. Helping my future self, and all of that... I start going through my files of back to school items, and seeing what I need to print out for this coming year.
One easy project is printing out a new set of whiteboard signs. Easy right? Some years I get lucky and my old set is still good to go, but some years I don't know what happened and they are a messy mess. Like this past May. I knew I would need to redo them for this year.
I wanted to update the font, and they just felt grimy, so I printed out a new set to use. Print, laminate, and ready to go...
The headings I stick on the board have different purposes. Here's what I have and why.
Subjects go on the left side vertically, and Headings are on the top horizontally. It looks like this (here's my digital version from last year's distance learning):
Subjects: Math, Reading, Writing, Social Studies, and Science
Headings: Essential Questions, I Can... I Know I Can Because...
Must Do: This area is where I keep the running list of weekly in class work to accomplish.
May Do: I use this area to jot early finisher options.
Voice Levels: I start off the year going over the different expectations, and jot down the number so there is a visual reminder. The goal is that eventually I don't have to update the board anymore.
Reminders: Yeah, reminders. :)
Homework: In a normal year I give out homework on Monday - due Wednesday, and Wednesday - due Friday. Last year I gave it all out on Monday - due Friday. I don't like doing nightly homework, I used to do that and it was just too much paper coming in each day. Comparing it all, I like breaking it up a bit so I don't have as many stragglers and have as much to correct on Friday. But that part of the board is where I keep our list.
Help: Every kid in class has a job to complete to help the classroom run smoothly. That's in a different area that we change out every 2 weeks. This area is for those things beyond our normal helpers. I jot things on post it notes, and if time the kids can come up and grab a note to complete. Things like paper book orders unclipped, or art projects taken off the wall... stuff that kids can easily do that isn't part of the normal routine, when I just need an extra set of hands.
There is a lot that I stick up on my board. Other than the focus grid, which takes up a large portion, it's mainly on the outer edges of the board so there is room for me to write during our lessons too. I do mainly use the doc camera...
Anyhow, here is my file in case it can help you. The font is KG Summer Sunshine if you want to make your own headings. :)
Hope it helps,

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