Yesterday was fun! I enjoyed talking to so many of you through the comments, email, and on Facebook. If you grabbed a freebie, I hope it will help you in your classroom.
Welcome to the new followers of this little blog! Before I dive into everything I wanted to show you around on here... Over on the right side there is a lot of stuff to help keep me hopefully organized and to hopefully give you resources you need - Labels/Lists from the different past posts, Buttons to my Pinterest, Facebook and TPT store, Different pages that I have posted pictures, and Buttons/Blog Links to the places I like to head for resources.
Last night I couldn't sleep because I started thinking of my plan book. You know - the one that I've been avoiding for the past 13 days. I was thinking about how we just started the Medicine unit right before we left for vacation and how I really want to create a Word Wall in my classroom to house all the words - not just the 5 or 6 from the week. I didn't have a clue where I could put it because I'm really out of space on my walls, but it's important to me to find room.
Now at the beginning of the year I had every intention of using this cursive alphabet for my word wall - but it didn't work! I mean, it started to work, but then the spaces were all off and the words were tiny. Ultimately, it didn't work the way I thought it could. Now that entire board has been redone to include both my FACE of a Reader and VOICES strategies.

I'm thinking that I will either take the squares that I normally put the 6 vocabulary words (and all the other vocab), and instead hang fabric in that area to create another bulletin board - or I will post them on my cabinet doors (since I moved the stuff off of those to put on the actual Reading and Math boards). I won't be back in the classroom until the morning before the kiddos walk in the door, I'm almost guaranteed that it will be pulling teeth to get my own boys up and ready for school that day, so I'm expecting this project will have to be tackled after school or during prep.
Like I said - I couldn't sleep - so I created Word Wall Vocabulary and Definitions for my new board in the different units that we study for Reading. They are based on the stories that we go through. Maybe you study the same units? I posted them as a 5 unit bundle as well as individually over at TPT.
At present, I am dealing with 3 boys having 3 different tent/forts set up all over the downstairs of my house. Tonight is the last of the Christmas celebrations - I think this is #6??? I did open up my plan book and had more planned for next week than I remembered. Isn't that always a good sign?! Hope you have a great day!
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I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a Have a great day!